Shop our generator store
Shop our selection of Honda, Generac, Echo and Wacker-Neuson gas-powered generators available for sale at Gardenland. There is currently a shortage of generators so we
Need Help Finding the Right Generator ?
We sell generators that produce between 2,200 watts and 10,000 watts.
Generators fall into three main categories of usage:
- Portable Generators: designed for camping, tailgate parties, portable power, and emergency home back-up. There are 94 million people in the US anxious to get out of the house, especially after the COVID-19 lockdown. Everyone should enjoy the outdoors and you can even visit the Prime Clean website for tips how to power a CPAC machine with a portable generator while camping.
- Home Back-Up Generators: wildfires and spikes in electricity demand will continue to trigger rolling brown-outs and black-outs every year. Don’t get stuck without power and build your home back-up power solution with a 4,000-7,000 watt generator. Many homeowners are hiring an electrician to install a transfer panel into their home to connect a generator. Call us if you have questions.
- Commercial applications: shop our selection of Wacker-Neuson and Generac generators for construction sites and other work applications.
If you are not sure how much power you need to run your appliances, tools, computers or other electrical devices, use Honda’s online tools like their wattage calculate wattage to determine how many watts you need.
You can also figure-out your power needs by locating the Amps required to start and run your appliance or equipment. The formula to calculate watts is to multiply [Starting Amps] x [Volts – either 110v or 220v] = Watts.
Here’s a simple example how to figure-out how many watts you need to run some popular appliances:
- 1 refrigerator 6 Amps x 110 volts = 660 Watts
- 1 Microwave 4.5 Amps x 110 volts = 495 Watts
- 1 Laptop 1.5 Amps x 110 volts = 165 Watts
- Total Watts to Operate all 3 appliances = 1,320 Watts
If you want a recommendation please give us a call at 408-477-4496.
Inverter Power Generators
Inverter power generators are well known for their reliability, ultra low-noise running operation, fuel-efficiency, and portability. These are great for emergency home back-up, tailgate parties and camping.
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Industrial Power Portable Generators
Shop our selection of industrial power portable generators. These generators use iVAR (Intelligent Automatic Voltage Regulation) technology that provides safe inverter power for appliances and electronics except for computers.
Home Standby Generators
Provides essential circuit power protection for your home, ensuring the necessities remain powered during an outage or up to whole house coverage when paired with one of Generac’s load- shedding switches. Capable of backing up a five ton air conditioner.
Gardenland - Where the pros shop

Need a Recommendation or Help?
Give us a call at 408-377-4496.

We process every order within 48 hours and almost every order received Monday-Friday before 12pm (PST) are shipped the same day.

Buy or Finance Your Next Purchase
Finance a purchase of $2,000 or more through our partner Approved. You must be a licensed business entity with more than three years in business to qualify.
Questions? CALL US TODAY!
At Gardenland Power Equipment, we pride ourselves in providing above and beyond service for our customers. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us during our store hours.
We are open Mon-Fri 7:30am to 5pm, Open Sat 7:30am to 3pm, Sun - CLOSED